Waste Water Treatment Plan - bid opportunities
Thank you for your interest in Gun Lake Tribe bid opportunities. Current project bid documents and addenda are available at:
Virtual Plan Room
- Builders Exchange of Michigan (
- Kalamazoo Builders Exchange (
The Gun Lake Tribe Wastewater Treatment Plant project consists of the following:
- New Water Treatment Building with two (2) horizontal pressure filters.
- New Backwash EQ Tank
- Three (3) new wells – Two (2) of the wells are offsite – located 1/2 mile from the water filtration plant site and includes a full well house enclosure. One (1) of the wells is one site and has no well house enclosures.
- Site utility piping - including raw water and finished water main piping to/from the new water treatment plant, to fill the new elevated tank (which will also be under construction), and to connect to the existing distribution system.
- Minor renovations to existing water treatment plant once the new plant is operational.
Important project dates are as follows:
- Plans available Monday, May 8, 2023
- Prebid Mtg. Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.
- Bids Due ` Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.
- Project start Mid - July 2023
- Project Completion Early - 2025
PRE BID CONFERENCE on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 10:00AM on site: 2837 Mno Bmadzewen Dr, Shelbyville, MI.
QUESTIONS can be directed to Everts, Chad at Questions will be accepted 10 days prior to the bid date.