Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy

About Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy

Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy has been in operation since 2020. The pharmacy maintains a broad formulary and can fill 99% of prescriptions issued by our Gun Lake Tribal Health Center providers. Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy uses an integrative treatment approach. This means Clinic Providers, Community Health, Citizen Health Benefits, and Pharmacy all work closely together as a team to provide you the best personalized patient-centered care.

Services provided

  1. Medication counseling and education for all prescriptions dispensed
  2. Smoking cessation product education
  3. Diabetes medication education
  4. Environmentally friendly medication and bottle disposal on site

There are a few requirements that must be met before prescriptions can be filled at the Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy. These include:

  1. Patients must be registered at the clinic, and patients must be seen at least once every 2 years by a Primary Care Provider at the Gun Lake Tribal Health Center. Patients must maintain establishment by completing biannual updates as required.

Prescriptions must be written by providers at the Gun Lake Tribal Health Center or from a referred care physician. Emergency prescriptions are an exception

Gun Lake Tribe Government/Casino employee copay structure:

  1. $0 for generic medication
  2. $10 for brand name medication ($20 for 90 days)
  3. $20 for specialty medication

*** All medications must be on insurance formulary for pricing to apply.

Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy staff are always happy to answer questions concerning medications and eligibility. We strive to be accurate and prompt. Our goal is to give quality service for all our patients. Hours of operation are Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM. Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy is closed during Tribal Holidays. Please contact the pharmacy with any questions at 269-397-1760 option #3.


Kelsey Britton, PharmD has been the pharmacist at Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy since its opening in 2020. Kelsey has been practicing pharmacy since 2015 and has had previous experiences with Wal-Mart, Rite Aid, and K-Mart pharmacies.

Lori Dettloff, PharmD started working at Gun Lake Tribe Pharmacy in October 2023. She has been practicing pharmacy since 1988 with a variety of pharmacy backgrounds including retail and hospital pharmacy, specialty pharmacy, and academia at Ferris State University.