Community Health

About Community Health Services

The primary focus of the Community Health Services Program is Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP). The program provides multiple HPDP activities and education throughout the year and the nurse provides medical advocacy. The nurse also provides home visits and office visits for health assessment as well as case management services

Ages Served by the Program:

All ages

Program Eligibility:

To be eligible for Community Health Services, Gun Lake Tribe Citizens and Native Americans who are members of a federally recognized tribe who are patients of GLTHC or Behavioral Health who reside in the five county service area.

A pow wow or celebration with many people

Diabetes Program

The Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) grant  focuses on providing eeducation and services for the management and prevention of diabetes in the Native American community ,

Gun LakeTribal Citizens and Native Americans at risk of developing diabetes or diagnosed with diabetes are eligible to receive diabetes testing supplies,  utilize quarterly podiatry clinics, and attend nutritional counseling with a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist. The Diabetes Program also provides monthly Diabetes Support Group activities, promotes annual dental and retinal exams, and offers support for someone caring for a family member with diabetes. – check the Event Calendar for details.


Ages Served by the Program:

Those 10 years and older are eligible to take advantage of the Diabetes Program.

Program Eligibility:

Diabetes Registry (for grant activity participation) – Must be an Native American who is a member of a federally recognized Tribe and lives in the five-county service area (Kent, Ottawa, Allegan, Barry or Kalamazoo county).

Community Health Representative

The Community Health Representative is available to provide support for community members who need assistance with their healthcare needs and promote wellness.


The CHR is available for the following:

• Accompany/transport clients to medical appointments. This may include advocacy during medical appointments when requested by the client.

• Make home health visits for children and adults

• Pick up and deliver prescriptions and blood sugar testing supplies for Elders and/or clients with diabetes on Tuesdays and Thursdays after 2:00 p.m.

• Provide temporary assistance with activities of daily living.

Ages Served by the Program:

All ages of Tribal Citizens are eligible to meet with the Community Health Representative.

Car Seat Program for Infants & Children

As part of the Health and Human Services injury prevention program, the Car Seat Program  provides car seats and teaches parents and caregivers how to properly use a car seat. Car Seat appointments are conducted one-on-one with a nationally certified child passenger safety technician (CPST). Parents and caregivers can expect to learn:


• How to properly install a car seat

• How to decide which direction a car seat should face according to the child’s age, weight and particular seat

• Safety features of a car seat

• If a car seat is recalled or expired


Ages Served by the Program:

Children ages 0 – 8 years, or under 4ft 9in per Michigan State Law may take advantage of the Car Seat Program.


Program Eligibility:

• Gun Lake Tribe Citizens are eligible to receive one car seat per Citizen Child. Transitional car seats, if needed, may be provided by the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning  (OHSP) car seat program.
• Native American or any resident enrolled in or receiving benefits from the state of Michigan is eligible for a car seat provided by the Michigan OHSP program.
• Must attend a car seat appointment with CPST to receive car seat.