Direct Services & Program Offerings

Jijak Youth Camp

Jijak Youth Camp brings together Tribal youth ages 5-17 to share hands-on life experiences that combine cultural, environmental and leadership skills. Jijak Youth Camp serves our Tribal community by strengthening our young people’s bond to cultural traditions, engaging youth in nature and forging lifelong friendships based on the rich history and living traditions of the Gun Lake Tribe. Jijak Youth Camp is organized by Shawn McKenney and Nikki Yargeau. Read More…

Man hunting with a gun


The Environmental Department issues Tribal Hunting Permits to Gun Lake Tribal Citizens, their spouses and stepchildren or adopted children to hunt on Tribal lands. Permits are valid April 1 through March 31 of the following year. All ground blinds, scaffolds, raised platforms, ladders, steps, tree stands or any other device used to assist in climbing and hunting from a raised position must be properly tagged or marked while on Tribal lands. They must be removed from Tribal lands by March 31. Hunting and Trapping is regulated through the Wildlife Conservation Ordinance, enacted by Tribal Council Resolution 17-1030 (September 7, 2017) and amended by Tribal Council Resolution 18-1100 (September 27, 2018) and Tribal Council Resolution 23-1519 (August 31, 2023). The full ordinance can be found on the Member’s Portal along with the current Tribal Land Hunting Maps.


Household Hazardous Waste Collection

MONDAY – FRIDAY • 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

When not correctly disposed of, common household products that may be corrosive, flammable, toxic or reactive can get into our waterways. To avoid the human health and environmental risks associated with household hazardous wastes, always monitor the use, storage and disposal of products with potentially dangerous substances. You can drop off these hazardous materials to be properly disposed of to Gun Lake Tribe Environmental Department by appointment.


Common Household Hazardous Waste Products:

Bleach, degreaser, drain cleaner, drain cleaners, tub/tile cleaners and oven cleaners, wood and metal cleaners, toilet/drain cleaners, tub/tile cleaners and oven cleaners.

Antifreeze, gasoline and other fuels, carburetor cleaner, fuel additives, starter fluid and transmission/brake fluid.

Batteries and light bulbs.

Insect spray, flea sprays/shampoos, mouse/rodent baits and other household pesticides and fertilizers.

Contact Shawn McKenney at 269.397.1780 or by email at to schedule your appointment today.


Electronic Waste

MONDAY – FRIDAY • 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Electronic Waste Recycling is open to the Tribal community Monday through Friday by appointment only. A public collection is offered twice per year. The Tribe covers all applicable recycling fees in part through the Environmental Protection Agency Performance Partnership Grant.

Protect our MBISH! Electronic waste (E-waste) can often be refurbished or recycled and yet, it ends up in local landfills. Electronics often contain toxic substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium and chromium. These toxins are then leaked into our soil and groundwater when disposed in local landfills.

The Environmental Department works with Valley City Electronic Recycling to dispose of unwanted and old electronics. Valley City Electronic Recycling does not ship e-waste overseas and has a zero-landfill policy that requires that all recycled e-waste is recycled, refurbished or reused.

Acceptable items include: Office and household electronics, cell phones, radios, microwaves, VCRs, TVs, computers, laptops, monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, speakers and power cords. All computer hard drives are erased or destroyed by Valley City Electronic Recycling.

Contact Shawn McKenney at 269.397.1780 or by email at to schedule your appointment today.

Tire Recycling

Tire Recycling is open to Gun Lake Tribal Citizens and their households Monday through Friday by appointment only. A public tire recycling event is offered once per year. A maximum of ten tires per household is allowed for drop off (no tractor tires).

Gun Lake Tribe supports tire recycling due to the growing concern to Nokmëskinan (Grand Mother Earth). Tires hold water and become mosquito breeding grounds. Meanwhile, tire piles are also a fire hazard because once ignited, they burn uncontrollably at very hot temperatures and produce black smoke and hazardous, oily residue. When used tires are accidently placed in landfill, they never decompose. Though illegal, over 32 million tires still end up in landfills in the USA. The Tribe works with a southwest Michigan tire recycler that does not ship tires overseas and has a zero-landfill policy that requires all collected tires to be recycled, refurbished or reused. Most of the tires are recycled and turned into rubber mulch, crum rubber, PR compound, tire derived aggregate and equine turf. Make a difference to Nokmëskinan.

Please contact Shawn McKenney for an appointment to recycle your tires via email at or by phone at 269.397.1780, ext. #1249.

Prescription Drug Recycling

If you are interested in Prescription Drug Recycling, the Public Safety Department offers 24/7 disposal and Health & Human Services Department offers Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. disposal in their respective buildings.

Not located near the Government Campus? Many pharmacies or local law enforcement agencies offer collections. Use the QR code below to to find public disposal locations near you.

PROTECT our environment keep them out of our water and landfills

PROTECT our children and prevent drug abuse

PROTECT yourself and others


The Environmental Department collects Government Campus food waste, paper towels, toilet paper rolls and grass clippings to create traditional compost and to feed redworms for the creation of vermi-compost tea. Vermi-compost tea is an organic tea derived from finished compost and worm castings (poop) that is utilized as an organic liquid fertilizer. The Environmental Department also partnered with Gun Lake Casino to install a bio-digester to process the food waste from the Harvest Buffet and Grapevine Café. The bio-digester is an aerobic (with oxygen) food waste digester that produces a nutrient-rich amendment that can be used as a soil enhancer, top dress for existing lawns and as fertilizer.

By diverting this waste away from landfills, we can reduce our carbon footprint, capture renewable energy and restore the essential nutrients back to our soil. Tribal Citizens and their households can schedule an appointment to pick up vermi-compost tea, compost or amendment as it is available.

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Recreational Opportunities on Tribal Properties

Get outside and explore! The Environmental Department created and maintains a trail surrounding the Luella Collins Community Center property, including a viewing platform in the middle of the restored prairie. The Jijak Camp property has a trail system as well.

The Environmental Department also installed a boat launch and dock at Boot Lake, a pavilion, a fishing pier and grill at Allie’s Landing for Tribal Citizen use.

Please note: Gas motors are prohibited from use on Tribal lakes. 

Vegetation and Invasive Species Management

The Environmental Department oversees the planting of any plants on Tribal land. If you are planning to plant anything on Tribal land, please complete a Vegetation Plan and send to to be reviewed at least 30 business days prior to planting. Please refer to the current prohibited list of species when planning any planting.

The Environmental Department is available to help you with any planting questions at

Vegetation PlanProhibited Species List
TSCAN Station

The Environmental Department partnered with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service to install a TSCAN station as part of the Tribal Soil Climate Analysis Network (TSCAN). This is a nationwide soil moisture and climate information network that monitors the following variables: air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, liquid precipitation, wind speed and direction, soil temperature and soil moisture. Gun Lake Tribe’s station has been in operation since 2022. Current and past data can be viewed here:

Conservation Incentive Program

The Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) aims to reduce the environmental footprint of the Tribal community through reductions in energy use and improvement of water conservation and air quality. Through this program, the Environmental Department offers incentives, mostly in the form of rebates, for investing in energy-saving and water-saving appliances, vehicles and home energy efficiency and indoor air quality measures. This program is open to all enrolled Gun Lake Tribal Citizens and primary parents of Tribal Citizens.

Auto Incentives
  • Purchased vehicle with a fuel economy of 40 MPG highway or higher: $2,000
  • Purchased vehicle with a fuel economy of 45 MPG highway or higher: $2,500
  • Purchased full electric vehicle: $3,000
  • Leased vehicle with a fuel economy of 40 MPG highway or higher: $1,000
  • Leased vehicle with a fuel economy of 45 MPG highway or higher: $1,250
  • Leased full electric vehicle: $1,500
Residential Renewable Energy Incentives
  • Solar energy: 30% of total cost up to $2,500
  • Geothermal energy: 30% of total cost up to $2,500
  • Wind energy: 30% of total cost up to $2,500
Indoor Air Quality Incentives
  • Carbon monoxide detectors: 1 per 1,000 square feet of home
  • Energy Star qualified bathroom exhaust: $400 per bathroom per qualifying residence per 5 years
  • Air quality home audit: limited to the GLT service area, must be performed by GLT staff
  • HEPA and MERV 10+ rated furnace filters: 100% of cost for up to 3 filters per year, not to exceed $100
  • Mold testing: 100% of cost, not to exceed $200; must be completed by GLT staff within the GLT service area
  • Radon mitigation for homes with measured 4 pCi/L radon gas: 50% of cost not to exceed $1,000
  • Radon detector: 100% of the cost, not to exceed $200
Residential Appliance Rebates
  • Energy Star clothing dryer: 50% of the pre-tax purchase price
  • Energy Star clothing washer: 75% of the pre-tax purchase price
  • Energy Star water heater: 50% of the pre-tax purchase price
  • Energy Star tankless water heater: 75% of the pre-tax purchase price
  • Energy Star dehumidifier: 50% of the pre-tax purchase price
Incentive based on percent better than federal minimum for energy use and pre-tax purchase price


  • Energy Star freezers – chest, upright
  • Energy Star dishwashers
  • Energy Star refrigerators
Water Conservation
  • Up to 3 water sense shower heads per qualifying residence: $30 per unit
  • Up to 3 water sense toilets per qualifying residence: $300 per toilet
  • Up to 2 rain barrels per qualifying residence
  • Septic inspection and pumping: $350 once every 3 years
  • Drinking water testing for bacteria, nitrates, nitrites, dissolved solids, pH, lead, copper, sulfates, hardness, arsenic, fluoride, iron, manganese, sodium and zinc
  • Water purification systems: 50% of total cost not to exceed $1,000 for residences that have completed and reviewed drinking water testing
Energy Audits and Retrofits*

*Recent energy audit report must recommend energy retrofit for that retrofit to be eligible for a CIP incentive with the exception of LED lights, programmable thermostat, ceiling fan and room air conditioner.

  • Walk through energy audit: $50
  • Full diagnostic energy audit (blower door test and thermal scan): $450
  • Post retrofit energy audit (blower door test and thermal scan): $250
  • Attic or wall insulation: $2.00 per square foot
  • Crawl space/basement foam insulation: $2.00 per square foot
  • Crawl space/basement vapor barrier: $1.40 per square foot, not to exceed $1,500
  • Windows: $100 per Energy Star window
  • Window sealing: $20.00 per window
  • Furnace/air conditioning: $1,000.00 furnace, $250.00 central air conditioning
    • Furnace AFUE Ratings must be 96% or higher
  • HVAC tape sealing: up to $200
  • Water pipe and water heater insulation: up to $200
  • Exterior door replacement: $100 per Energy Star qualified door
  • Exterior door sealing: $20.00 per door
  • LED lights: Up to $500.00 per household. Based on pre-taxed purchase of lights on receipt.
  • Energy Star ceiling fan: $25
  • Energy Star room air conditioner: 10% of pre-tax purchase price
  • Programmable thermostat: $250 per unit including installation

In no instance will a CIP incentive total more than 100% of the purchase price or cost of an item or service.
All incentives are subject to all conditions detailed in the CIP policies.

CIP Summary FlyerCIP PoliciesCIP Application