Gun Lake Tribe Youth Council

The Gun Lake Tribe Youth Council & Core Four Values

The Gun Lake Tribe Youth Council is a youth-led council that has adopted the Core Four values, which have been developed to allow youth to experience balance in life through team-building, fun activities, wellness by connecting to our culture and giving back.

We work with Tribal Council, Tribal Member Benefits, Health & Human Services, Language & Culture, Elders, Environmental and many other departments to help develop Youth Council programming that supports the Core Four.





Leadership, Meetings and Team Building

Examples of programming aimed at supporting leadership include guest speakers, team-building off-sites, project management, meals provided at meetings and distribution of Youth Council Swag.

Recreation, Sports and Activities

Examples of programming aimed at supporting recreation include basketball league, hiking, swimming, movies, bowling and holiday events.

Health and Wellness

Examples of programming aimed at supporting wellness include the Fitbit Challenge, mental wellness, financial literacy, substance abuse awareness programming and cultural activities and teachings.

Community Service

Examples of programming aimed at supporting service include activities with elders, Christmas caroling, assisting at powwows and working in GLT’s garden at the Jijak campus.

As Gun Lake Tribe Youth Council Members, youth learn about Tribal governance and leadership by mirroring the Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Government and Tribal Council processes to develop and plan relevant programming for all members. The Youth Council Board and members are invited to attend the annual strategic planning meeting to help guide and develop the year’s activities. The Youth Council Board is guided through the process of budgeting and the execution of youth-led events.  Other examples of Tribal government processes youth engage in include the following:

  • Youth Council Board Meetings
  • Project Management
  • Presentations/Reports
  • Development of mission and values
Youth Council Application and Voting Permission Form
A young child with a sucker

Contact the Youth Specialist!

OFFICE: 269.397.1780, ext. 1259