Education & Development

Home Buyer Education

Home Buyer Education is a prerequisite in obtaining Down Payment Assistance and Principal Pay Down. Certificates of Completion are valid for a three-year period.  Homebuyer Education classes are offered in-person and virtually.

The class will take participants through the entire homeownership process from getting approved for a mortgage to closing on your new home.  Some of the class topics include:

  • Developing an effective spending plan
  • The importance of establishing and maintaining good credit
  • Selecting a Realtor and Lender and how they work for YOU
  • How to overcome obstacles and effective solutions to Home Buying
  • The importance of Home Maintenance and value of Home Improvements
  • Creating and leaving a Legacy
  • Utilizing the Down Payment Assistance Program

Please visit the event calendar to find upcoming classes.

Financial Wellness

What is Financial Management?

Financial Management is an educational, self-supporting process that helps Citizens maintain accountability for the financial decisions they make. This is accomplished by providing Tribal Citizens with information that, along with their own determination and self-sacrifice, enables them to improve or enhance their financial future. Participants learn financial concepts that helps to develop skills to overcome financial challenges. During the five-part series, participants meet to hear detailed information and gain knowledge about managing debt and credit, banking, budgeting/spending plans, consumer protection and long-term financial planning. The classes will be instructed by our certified staff alongside professionals scheduled to present topics in their area of expertise.

The Tribal Member Benefits Department’s Financial Education classes are designed to assist all Tribal Citizens and their household members. Whether you are trying to eliminate debt, overcome credit obstacles or are interested in maintaining your current level of financial security, we encourage Tribal Citizens from diverse financial backgrounds to attend and work together in achieving their goals. Please visit the event calendar on the homepage to see the next available dates.


Do you have any Financial Goals? 


Do you need to complete Financial Education for GWE Participation?

The Tribal Member Benefits Department will provide individualized financial counseling/coaching for Tribal Citizens to help them reach financial goals including the following:

  • Increasing Credit Score
  • Budgeting
  • Savings
  • Credit Building/Rebuilding
  • Debt Repayment
  • Utilization of Quality Financial Services
  • Asset Development

The Financial Housing Counselor will work directly with Tribal Citizens to ensure that families reach their educational, financial and asset goals. We will also identify and refer participants as needed to other resources and services needed to achieve their financial goals. Please contact the Tribal Member Benefits Department to schedule individual counseling sessions.

GWE Financial Education

Financial Education is a requirement for participation in the Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians’ (“Tribe’s”) General Welfare Benefits Program (“GWE Program”). Tribal Youth who become eligible for the GWE Program must complete ten (10) hours of Financial Education training prior to gaining access to GWE funds.  The Tribal Member Benefits Department has designed a fun, interactive, and engaging curriculum that covers the following topics:

  • Developing an Effective Spending Plan
  • Basics of Banking Services
  • The Importance of Establishing and Maintaining Good Credit
  • The Importance of Savings and Money Management
  • The Value of Investing and Wealth Building
  • Consumer Protection and Avoiding Identity Theft
  • Determining Taxable Income, Tax Liabilities and Filing Income Taxes

The Tribal Member Benefits Department is working to empower young adults with the financial knowledge to take control of their finances, build a brighter financial future as well as promote long-term financial stability.

Please visit the event calendar to find upcoming classes.