Tribal Archives/Collections
The Tribal Historic Preservation Department seeks to promote and sustain community wellness through Pottawatomi worldviews, values, beliefs, and doings and, accordingly, through the Archives & Collections Program, shall strive to preserve the traditions, history, and material culture of the Gun Lake Tribe and promote a greater awareness of the rich cultural legacy of the Neshnabék of the Great Lakes region actively and holistically. Through the acquisition and exhibition of culturally affiliated and historically significant materials pertaining to the Gun Lake Tribe, this will enable the education of the community, Pottawatomi relatives, other neshnabék communities, and the public at large.
The Collections have an incomplete origin, as some Materials originate from past donations to the Gun Lake Tribe before the THPO Department or Archives & Collections Program existed. Other Materials were purchased or commissioned by or donated to the Gun Lake Tribe by Tribal Citizens and local community members. At present, the Materials are being reviewed, cataloged, and documented, because it is vital to maintain accurate and timely records of transactions, communications, and donor information.
Community Outreach
The materials within the Tribe’s Collection are currently being identified, cataloged, and organized. Materials not currently on display, out on loan or held for quarantined care are being housed in a small storage room within the THPO Department. Citizens are able to schedule an appointment with the Archives/Collections Coordinator to visit and learn more about the Archives & Collections Program. Citizens have an opportunity to gain insight into the scope of the Collection, care practices, and learn more about individual items. Both in-person and virtual options are available. Please reach out to Rebecca Rupe, Archives/Collections Coordinator, to schedule a visit at (269) 397-1780 or
Citizens also have the option to explore the Tribe’s Collection through the digital archives’ website: Cataloging and organizational efforts are ongoing for most materials, and staff upload content to the website as the various organizational efforts are completed. Currently, the website is available for Citizen use only. If you would like assistance with creating an account or a tour of all the website functions, please reach out to Rebecca Rupe, Archives/Collections Coordinator.
Archives & Collections Community Outreach Programming/Events:
- Gathering Community Voices Events (March and April 2024)
- Archivist in a Backpack Community Training (May 2024)
- Commemorative Wall Exhibit at the Luella Collins Community Center (November and December 2024)
*All event information will be published in the Tribal Tribune and flyers shared on the Tribe’s social media outlets.
Exhibit Locations:
- Government Campus
- Luella Collins Community Center
- Jijak Camp Facilities
- Gun Lake Casino
- Chicago Field Museum Native Truths Exhibit
- Grand Rapids Public Museum
Tribal Historic Preservation Office is requesting citizens and descendants to share your family’s historical and contemporary pictures involving family/cultural activities or Tribal events that represent the Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band community. You can submit a scanned/digital copy of the photos to, or you can schedule an appointment with THPO staff to scan the photos. If you select to have the THPO staff scan your photos, we will be able to provide you with a digital copy of the scanned photo(s) via email or a USB thumb drive (depending on the number and size of files). These photos will be processed and included in the MBPI Archives. We hope to begin sharing photos in quarterly Tribune articles showcasing objects, photos, documents, and materials from the MBPI Archives.
We ask that, if possible, you provide a title and/or brief description of the photo (ex. who is pictured, where is the location, what activities they are participating in, approximate year the photo was taken, etc.). If you have any questions, you can contact Rebecca Rupe, Archives/Collections Coordinator, at 269.397.1780 or
If you are interested in donating any documents, materials, and/or objects, please call ahead to schedule an appointment with Rebecca at 269.397.1780 or

Collections & Exhibitions Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Collections & Exhibitions (C&E) Advisory Committee is to advise the Tribal Historic Preservation Office on the Archives and Collections Program’s goals and activities of the Gun Lake Tribe. The committee typically meets on the first Wednesday of every other month at 2:00 pm (January, March, May, July, September, and November 2024). C&E Advisory Committee meetings are open for GLT citizens to attend. Please contact Rebecca Rupe at 269-397-1780 or for meeting details.
Committee Members:
- Frank Barker
- Kelly Church
- Shannon Martin (Chair)
- Genevieve Sprague (Vice Chair)
- Tomie Williamson
- Holly Henderson (Alternate)
- Phyllis Davis (Ex Officio member)