Behavioral Health

About Behavioral Health Services

Gun Lake Tribe’s Behavioral Health Services are available to Citizens of federally recognized Tribes who reside within the five-county service area of Allegan, Barry, Kalamazoo, Kent and Ottawa Counties.

Behavioral Health Staff use Person-Centered Planning (PCP). PCP is based on a holistic framework, respective of the individual and his or her values and goals, building upon strengths. Identifying the strengths of the person served, including interpersonal and community, in combination with the strengths of the Gun Lake Tribe guiding principles of the Seven Grandfather Teachings of respect, love, truth, courage, humility, honesty and wisdom build a foundation to help guide individuals on a path of wellness.

Native American Style Dance Regalia

Outpatient Services

Individual, group and family prevention, early intervention and clinical treatment of emotional, mental and substance use disorders are an integral part of improving and maintaining overall health. Within outpatient programming, we provide confidential assessment and counseling for behavioral and emotional problems, substance use and education on wellness, resiliency and recovery.

We recognize there are multiple pathways to health and recovery. Staff may work with you to address medicine wheel directions, comprised of spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual components. Supportive services may address a variety of needs, including, but not limited to, situational or environmental stressors, interpersonal relationships, mental health issues, life span issues and substance use disorders. Behavioral Health staff may provide case management, advocacy support and/or referrals to community resources, as necessary.

Crisis Support

Crisis Support Services are aimed at the assessment and immediate stabilization of acute symptoms of mental illness and emotional distress. Crisis services are not intended to replace emergency services. In the event of a serious psychological, medical or life-threatening emergency, please call 911.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, across the United States

StrongHearts Native 24/7 Helpline call or text 1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483) for domestic violence or sexual assault support.

Complimentary Therapeutic Services

Complimentary Therapeutic Services are adjunct services to support and help achieve balance for Tribal Citizens.