Request for Proposal
Gun Lake Tribe Source Water Protection Planning Assistance
Allegan County, Michigan
DATE ISSUED: February 17, 2025
DATE DUE: March 7, 2025, 5:00 p.m. electronic submission to, Subject: Gun Lake Tribe Source Water Protection Planning Assistance
CONTACT: Elizabeth Binoniemi, Environmental Director
Gun Lake Tribe – Environmental Department
2872 Mission Dr.
Shelbyville, MI 49344
Subject: Gun Lake Tribe Source Water Protection Planning Assistance
The Gun Lake Tribe (Tribe) is seeking proposals for the update of the Tribe’s existing Source Water Protection Plan (hereinafter “SWPP”) and associated documents for all Tribal water sources. The fundamental goals of source water protection planning are to prevent contamination to sources of drinking water and to be prepared if contamination occurs. The Tribe developed a SWPP in 2018, however the Tribe is building new water infrastructure, including a new water treatment plant and waste-water treatment plant, making the existing SWPP outdated. The Tribe is looking to work with a contractor to update this plan to include the updates to the water system and projections of updates to the Tribe’s infrastructure into the plan. This project will lead to a reduced risk of groundwater contamination within delineated source water protection areas.
See the linked RFP