Demolition and Debris Removal 1168 132nd Ave

Demolition and Debris Removal 1168 132nd Ave

Demolition and Debris Removal
Request for Proposal for Professional Services 
1168 132nd Ave, Wayland, MI

DATE ISSUED: February 11, 2025 
DATE DUE: March 7, 2025, 2:00 p.m. electronic submission to 

CONTACT: Steven Wahweotten – Project Manager
Gun Lake Tribe – Development Department 
2872 Mission Dr. 
Shelbyville, MI 49344 

The Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish-Band of Pottawatomi, also known as the Gun Lake Tribe (The Tribe) is seeking bids for demolition of buildings, removal of debris, backfill and grading of the affected area of the property located at 1168 132nd Ave, Wayland, MI (Site).

The Site is located on the south side of 132nd Ave, situated between the 130th and 133rd Ave. This Site is approximately 19.47 acres and was previously used as a residential home.

The Site has one structure which is to be demolished – a residential house with an attached garage. All concrete slabs on the property are to be removed, the basement(s) backfilled, and all debris (including any docks or items at/near the pond) on the Site to be removed and disposed of properly. An asbestos survey must be completed and filed prior to demolition. The well servicing the structure must be decommissioned. The septic tank and associated drain field must be pumped and then all removed from the site by the Contractor. The electricity has been disconnected by the Owner. The driveway from the road to the house must also be removed and then reseeded.

See the linked RFP and the graphic for loaction

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