Graywater Reuse Planning 

Graywater Reuse Planning 

Request for Proposal for Professional Services 
Part of the NW ¼ of Section 19 Wayland Township, Allegan County, Michigan 

DATE ISSUED: January 24, 2025 
DATE DUE: February 28, 2025, 2:00 p.m. electronic submission to 
CONTACT: Catherine Adsitt – Director of Land Use Planning & Development 
Gun Lake Tribe – Development Department 
2872 Mission Dr. 
Shelbyville, MI 49344 

The Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi, aka, the Gun Lake Tribe (The Tribe), a federally recognized Indian Tribe, received Tribal Climate Resilience Projects funds to support broad planning for a graywater reuse system to reduce water draw from the aquifer. 

The Tribe is seeking proposals from qualified firms to work with the Tribe to develop a plan that recommends specific water for reuse, the mechanicals necessary for the reuse and an outline of the permitting process along with high-level budget estimate and timeframes for future implementation for preliminary design engineering and environmental assessment and permitting for an approximate two-mile road extension, with an accompanying non-motorized path/sidewalk. 

See the linked contract for reference, the full RFP and the graphic for location.

Please see here for answered written Q&A.

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