Pottawatomi Language Classes
Bodéwadmi Basics I
Bodéwadmi Basics I classes are structured for beginning learners. We will learn to listen and respond to spoken Neshnabémwen as well as how to use the written resources available. Classes are open to Gun Lake Tribe Citizens, household members, staff and Citizens of local Tribal nations. Please email culture@glt-nsn.gov for details.

Brown Bag Bodewadmi
Brown Bag Bodéwadmi is a language roundtable created with staff in mind but not exclusively so. It is an excellent time for questions and comments on all things language. Please email culture@glt-nsn.gov for details.
Class Schedule:
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 12:00-12:30 p.m. Virtual (via Zoom)
Join Us Here
Other Language Resources
Citizen Potawatomi Nation – https://www.potawatomi.org/lang
Forest County Potawatomi – https://language.fcpotawatomi.com
Hannahville Indian Community – http://www.potawatomilanguage.org
Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi – http://nhbpi.com/knowledge/languageculture/
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi – http://www.pokagon.com/our-culture/language
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation – http://www.pbpindiantribe.com/language.aspx
Walpole Island First Nation – http://www.bkejwanong.ca
Wasauksing First Nation – http://wasauksing.ca
Donald Perrot – http://www.neaseno.org